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The Brand Building Blueprint
Welcome To The Brand Building Blueprint (1:37)
Brand Strategy
Intro to Branding (10:47)
Branding vs. Marketing: What’s the Difference? (10:06)
Define your Target Audience (15:41)
Competitive Analysis (4:59)
Your Brand’s Personality (9:36)
Clarify Your Message
Copywriting Fundamentals Part 1 (14:23)
Copywriting Fundamentals Part 2 (11:46)
Be The Coach (7:31)
Emphasize Benefits Not Features (10:52)
Highlight Pain Points (7:24)
Explain Your Process (6:48)
Create Your Call-To-Actions (6:21)
Writing Content (21:03)
Design Your Brand Identity
Brand World (5:35)
Canva Overview (22:19)
Color Psychology (19:18)
Create Mood Boards (6:48)
Choose On-Brand Photography (11:08)
Design your Logo (14:11)
Pick your Typefaces (6:36)
Your Brand’s Purpose
What’s Your Why? (9:04)
Write Your Backstory (8:46)
Prioritize Your Business Goals
Create a Marketing Plan (8:54)
Identify Sales Opportunities (5:42)
Operations Goals (5:26)
Marketing Your Brand
Wireframe Your Website - Part 1 (9:35)
Wireframe Your Website - Part 2 (9:55)
Promoting Your Brand With Social Media (12:32)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Basics (10:13)
Sales Funnel Fundamentals (7:33)
Reach Customers with META Ads - Part 1 (25:26)
Reach Customers with META Ads - Part 2 (18:00)
Reach Customers with META Ads - Part 3 (9:47)
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