Who is this REALLY for?

You’re a Small Business Owner who's struggling to brand and market your small business. You would love a DIY solution that will allow you to roll up your sleeves and take marketing into your own hands (with expert guidance).

This is for you if…

  • YOU PROVIDE A SERVICE: You work extremely hard to take care of your client’s needs by providing high-quality services and excellent customer service, but your business isn’t widely known.
  • YOU WORK 9 TO 5 BUT YOU'RE LOOKING TO START YOUR OWN BUSINESS: You're planning to start your own business and free yourself from cubicle life and start living the entrepreneurial lifestyle that you always dreamed about!
  • YOU'RE A COACH OR CONSULTANT: You have a strong message that you know will bring value to your audience, but it's not clear to your audience what you do and how you can help.

You're in the right place! Get more clients without wasting time and money on promotions that don't work.

In The Brand Building Blueprint, you’ll use this step-by-step method to learn and implement proven marketing strategies, identify your audience and how to speak to them, and market your business on a budget…

By the end of this program you will have learned…

Brand Builders Who Took The Leap…

The Brand Building Blueprint will change your mindset about marketing

Here are what some students have to say…

Jason’s teaching style is very structured but in a good way. You knew what you would be doing that day and what was expected of you, but it wasn’t so structured that you felt bored or overwhelmed.

Jason’s courses are not overwhelming. I felt that the workload was very reasonable for the time given.

The lessons are really fun to do. Also, he’s really nice and gives great feedback.

Ashley Ball

Former Student

Jason is patient and willing to share his wisdom from his years of experience working in the design world.

His lessons were very well structured, always giving helpful tips and resources and leaving plenty of time for questions and personal feedback.

I would recommend Jason for any course! Any student of his will benefit from his years of knowledge in the field 🙂

Heather Strudgeon

Former Student

Jason’s teaching style is thoughtful, intentional, direct, and supportive. He teaches by example — the ‘watch me work’ style. His laid-back demeanor puts you at ease to absorb the immense amount of knowledge he has to offer.

He is on top of his marketing game and is super generous with his information. For example, he shared how successful his moodboards are with his clients. I decided to implement them in my portfolio, and it was the #1 thing interviewers raved about. In fact, they helped land me my dream job and several student ADDY awards!

Julie Creus

Former Student

Finally, Demystify Branding and Marketing. Join The Brand Building Blueprint Today!

Clients we’ve helped get results using The Brand Building Blueprint framework…

I have to take a moment to send a huge thank you to StudioJones Graphic Design for their amazing work. I love love love everything about this team! I gave them my vision and Creator Jason Jones and his team made it happen. 

Helping Hands Transportation CCC&T website is officially launched. If you are looking for a website, marketing materials, logos… I highly recommend them. They really turned my new business dreams into reality.

Christina Mitchell Walker



I love my new website! Finally, I can send everyone to my website to check out my services and book appointments. The color for my new logo and the design are fresh. I was embarrassed to show people my old website or tell them to check it.

I like how each page and images are exactly what I do and it represents my high-quality machines! It's always a pleasure to work with Jason, he's very professional and answered all my questions! Not to mention how perfect and on time all our appointments were. I highly recommend StudioJones… the best.

Minan Bohlok


MB Skincare

Jason has NEVER let me down. His work has always been consistent and stellar. He has a strong design eye. Jason is professional and patient and makes the calient feel like a priority. He listens, engages, and wants to ensure he’s in sync. 

I love companies that will roll up their sleeves and get right next to the client, then stay with them along the way. Studio Jones demonstrates excellence, professionalism, reliability, creativity and stellar customer service. They are worth the investment!

Treva Marshal 


TJM Communications

Take a test-drive

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Brand Strategy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Clarify Your Message
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Design Your Brand Identity
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Your Brand’s Purpose
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Prioritize Your Business Goals
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Marketing Your Brand
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

What’s Inside The Brand Building Blueprint…

Module 01

Brand Strategy

The lines between Marketing and Branding often get blurred, especially for small businesses who are unsure of what they should be focusing on. In this module, we’ll explore the nuances of Branding and how it works with Marketing.

You’ll get clear on who your ideal customers or communities are and create a Value Proposition that explains what you do and how you make their lives better.

You’ll use the Brand Personality framework to brainstorm your brand’s attributes, including human characteristics, voice, tone, and what makes your business radically different from your competitors. You’ll use those attributes to determine your Brand Archetype.


  • Know the difference between Marketing and Branding, and which will help you determine what you should be doing at what time.
  • Get clear on who your Brand is for so that you know exactly how to speak to their pain points and offer the solutions they need.
  • Use the Brand Attributes framework to develop your Brand’s personality.

Module 02

Clarify Your Message

Confusing messaging is guaranteed to push prospects and leads to your competitors. I’m sure you’ve noticed that others in your space are making a ton of sales and don’t even have the best products and services. It comes down to who’s messaging is more clear.

In this module, you’ll discover the basics of copywriting so that you can learn techniques that will help you speak directly to what your customers are feeling. We’ll show you how to get in their head and enter the conversation they’re already having with themselves.

You’ll learn how to position yourself as a trusted guide and allow your clients to be the hero. We’ll show you the difference between marketing your features and benefits and why it’s beneficial to focus on the ladder.

You’ll develop a three-step plan or process to put on your website and other marketing materials that reveal the path a customer takes to do business with you and solve their problem.

Learn why passive call-to-actions are ineffective. This module will show you several examples of strong CTA’s and help you create CTA’s that drive people to action.


  • Learn why people buy. People don't want to hear about you. They care about themselves and see themselves getting results and solving their problems.
  • Position yourself as a trusted guide that has the answers as to how you’re going to help them win!
  • Focus on your offering’s benefits instead of the actual features. How will their lives look after interacting with you?
  • Make it easy for people to do business with you by having a clear 3 to 4 step plan with a strong call-to-action that motivates them to engage.

Module 03

Design Your Brand Identity

This is the meat and potatoes of your Visual Brand. Branding is all about differentiation in how people feel about your brand, and how easily your brand is recognizable to prospects, leads, and customers.

You’ll create mood boards to start mapping out how you want your brand to look and feel, this includes picking colors based on Color Psychology and taking into consideration what your competitors are using.

Learn what makes a good logo and how to get it created — whether you design it yourself or outsource the work to a professional.

Establish a photography style so that you know what style is right for your brand and what doesn’t capture the essence of your brand. We’ll also give you some practical tips to use on your photoshoots.

Pick Typefaces that are appropriate and convey the voice and tone of your business in print and online. The typefaces you choose can have a huge impact on the way your brand communicates.

After you’ve made the major decisions regarding your logo, color, type, and photography, it’s time to put it into a Style Guide so that your brand maintains consistency everywhere. We’ll show you examples and tell you what you should include.


  • Create moodboards. We’ll give you an easy framework to use to get you started.
  • Design your logo, pick your colors, typefaces, and photography style.
  • Develop your Style Guide to maintain a consistent look and feel across all media so that your audience recognizes your brand instantly.

Module 04

Your Brand’s Purpose

People are attracted to why you do what you do and the values that you and your company stand for. In this module, you’ll focus on defining what your company’s purpose is and the impact that you want to have

You’ll start by defining what Simon Sinek refers to as your WHY. Instead of focusing on what you do, and how you do it, you’ll dig deep and give context as to what motivates you to get up and show up every day.

How you “show up” depends on who you are as a person. People want to know who they’re doing business with. People buy from people, not logos. People also like to do business with who they know, like, and trust.

You’ll work through your Purpose worksheet to get clear on how you want your brand to be perceived so that you attract and build a tribe of loyal customers.

After you figure out how you want to be seen, you’ll use the Mission and Vision worksheets to chart a path for the future as well as give guidance to the day-to-day activities that help reinforce why your business exists.


  • Explain why you do what you do. Communicate why it’s important and why it gets your juices flowing. This goes a long way when building a following.
  • Use the Character and Backstory frameworks to give your audience an idea of who you are and what your personality is like. This can be used in your marketing.

Module 05

Prioritize Your Business Goals

Building a strong brand isn’t just about having a great logo. How you do business shapes people’s perceptions and feelings about your company. Getting in front of the right people at the right time and delivering the goods on time makes you a rock star to your clients and customers.

You’ll use the Business Goals Prioritizer framework to make key decisions on which marketing tactics you’ll use to create awareness of your business.

You’ll evaluate current revenue streams and brainstorm new ways to make money. We’ll show you how to rate your ideas and prioritize based on short, medium, and long-term goals.

You’ll make key decisions on how you can run your business more efficiently and with higher customer satisfaction. Do you need to bring on interns? Hire additional staff? Purchase new software? You’ll list, rate, and prioritize so that you have a clear direction on how to improve efficiency.


  • Prioritize your Marketing, Sales, and Operations goals so that your brand is well-positioned to start promoting, generating sales, and delivering your products and services in the most efficient way possible

Module 06

Marketing Your New Brand

Marketing for small to medium-sized businesses is very different from how major brands approach marketing. Major brands tend to focus more on “Image” or “Branding” ads versus marketing campaigns used to drive conversions.

A successful marketing campaign consists of spelling out who your target market is (which we uncover in Module 1), what your marketing message is and the vehicle in which you deliver it. You’ll write your 3-part elevator pitch using an easy-to-follow framework.

You’ll learn and implement the key ingredients to a high-converting website.


  • Learn the ins and outs of what makes a good website and how you can improve your conversion rates.
  • Wireframe your website using text from Module 5 so that anyone building the site has a blueprint for what needs to be said and where it goes
  • Learn how to promote your brand on social media and the basics of creating a sales funnel.

When you enroll during this special, limited time period, you’ll get:

The Brand Building Blueprint Course

(A $1,997 Value)

  • 6 Implementation Modules that show you EXACTLY how to create a brand that stands out and attracts your ideal customers. It starts with an understanding of what branding is and gaining clarity on your Brand Strategy.

  • Design your Brand Identity and gain awareness in the marketplace. You’ll create moodboards and design your logo, define your colors, photo selection, and typefaces. You’ll also design and print business cards and other print materials that you need to market your business.

  • Prioritize your business goals so that you can attract and retain your ideal clients. Your worksheets will focus on three areas: Awareness, Operations, and Sales.

  • Get clear on your messaging so that prospects know what you offer and how it will make their lives better. Clarity is key! So we’ll focus on clarifying your marketing message so that you cut through the noise.

When you enroll, you’ll be given immediate access to all modules so that you have the freedom to dive into the lessons and execute each portion of the project plan at your convenience. If you need help working through the modules, schedule personalized coaching calls for additional support. We got your back!

PLUS I’m Including The Following Bonuses…

Master Presentation Design

(Even if you’re not a designer)

(A $347 Value)

What You'll Get:

When you enroll in The Brand Building Blueprint, you’ll get a bonus course that shows you all of the secrets to creating effective slide decks that stand out. If you…

  • Feel overwhelmed when creating presentations?
  • Not sure how to start?
  • Wondering if your slides look good and make sense?

This step-by-step course is your solution. After you learn this valuable skill, you’ll be able to create decks to present to investors, explain your offers to high-paying clients, or explaining a new strategy to your team.

AND this bonus…

Access to the Private Facebook Group

(A $50 Value)

What You'll Get:

When you enroll, you’ll also get access to the private Facebook group where you will have access to me, Jason, the course creator who has over 20 years of experience helping people just like you develop their brands.

Need help clarifying your message? Having trouble determining your brand’s personality, post your questions in the group to get your questions answered!

Enroll in The Brand Building Blueprint Today

Plus You’ll Be Backed by a Risk-Free 14-Day Guarantee!

Let me say this upfront.

The Brand Building Blueprint program is a comprehensive, step-by-step course for business owners who are excited and committed to building their brand. By the end of the first two modules, you’ll have worked through several exercises and designed some of your graphics.

Meaning, you’ll have had the opportunity to develop your brand’s personality and map out your brand identity BEFORE making a final commitment.

If you don’t feel totally confident that your brand strategy is coming together, simply reach out, show us you’ve put in the work by filling out the worksheets, and we’ll refund your investment.

Burning Q’s that others have asked…

I’m fairly new to the concept of branding and I’m not sure where to start. I need a step-by-step recipe that will work for me. Will this program give me a 1-2-3 approach?

Yes! If you start from Module 1, you’ll be walked through the brand-building process. If you use the worksheets along the way, you’ll have clarity on where to go with your brand and build momentum as you move through the program.

I don’t know the difference between marketing and branding, do I need to take a beginner’s course before enrolling in this one?

Nope! The first Module explains the fundamentals so that you have a good foundation as you progress through the program.

Do I need special software that creates graphics to see results, like Adobe?

Nope. First off, remember that your graphics are not the entire brand. We go much deeper into strategy, and the graphics that you do create can be done in Canva. We suggest getting Canva Pro.

I’m not creative, will this work for me?

Yes. Creativity isn’t just for artists, and this isn’t a graphic design course — although there are some design decisions to be made in Module 2 (Brand Identity). But, we show you what to focus on and how to make solid decisions using theory and psychology.

Will the instructor be accessible to answer questions if I get stuck? I feel overwhelmed when it comes to branding.

If you joined with the Facebook group bonus, you can have your questions answered in the group so that you can keep moving forward through the program.

Couldn’t I just read a bunch of articles to learn more about branding?

Yes, you could. The problem is that branding can be a vague concept that will spin you in many directions, sending you into a rabbit hole of information. I’ve seen people get frustrated and give up. We cut through the jargon and show you EXACTLY how to build your brand.

Enroll in The Brand Building Blueprint Today

Still “thinking about it”?

You should give The Brand Building Blueprint a 14-day risk-free shot if you’re motivated by any of the following:

You want to save time… a WHOLE lot of time

You’re either an entrepreneur who’s focused on business development and sales, or you’re stuck in a cubicle all day waiting for the time that you’ll HAVE time to work on your dream business and turn your side hustle into your main deal. Whatever the case, wouldn’t it save you time and hassle if we showed you everything you need to know to set the direction of your brand using proven frameworks and over 20 years of experience?

You want to save money

This program is a product of StudioJones’s signature service called The Brand Building Blueprint which includes all of the frameworks from the service. Essentially, you're getting the Strategy portion of the service for a fraction of the cost. The strategy session alone is $1800. In this course, you’ll be given the frameworks in the $597 investment. A steal!

You want to be clear on your brand from the start

Getting clear on your brand strategy will allow you to spend less time trying to fix your website and other marketing materials on the fly so that you can spend more time on money-making activities.

"Jason is an excellent teacher. He will make sure you understand the problem and guide you in the right direction to solve it. He has a very positive attitude and always willing to help."

Brandon Murphy

Former Student

I can’t wait to work with you!

I’ve worked in the corporate world, agencies, and now with my studio helping people build their brands and create awareness. In my earlier days as a designer, I didn’t know much about strategy and laying the foundation for strategic design. 

Now as a seasoned vet, and having worked with dozens of entrepreneurs to establish their brands, it LITERALLY has become my favorite thing to do — to see others have success with their businesses and help others along the way.

It breaks my heart to see business owners with awesome products and services, but their messaging is confusing, their graphics are low quality, and they suffer from lack of direction all around.

More than anything else, I want to help you get unstuck! If you’re still reading this, I know that you’re feeling called to shake things up in your business.

If you’re an entrepreneur, coach, consultant, or service professional of any kind, you owe it to yourself to at least take a risk-free plunge to see how this can impact your business.

Should you choose to accept my invitation, I personally guarantee that this program will make a difference in the way you do business and how you show up in the marketplace.

All my best,

Jason Jones

Enroll in The Brand Building Blueprint Today